Customer simulation

Let's begin.

You notice Frank in an agitated state in the foyer of your workplace. To separate him from the other customers and to speak with him privately, you bring him into a booth.

Listen to Frank, then ASK, SAY, or DO something about things that come up in conversation. You can STOP THE CONVERSATION at any time.
learn: none

Your machine ate the card I was using.

Yeah, I have my driver's license. Here.

Frank hands you his driver's license.

Frank takes his driver's license out of his wallet and slams it on the desk.

Yeah. I'm listed as having power of attorney.

I have power of attorney. It's right there in your files.

What is with you people?. It's right there in your files.


Yes, it's not great.

About bloody time.

That's really helpful. Thanks.

Thanks very much.

Okay. Good.

That's not very helpful.

Give me back my card!

Typical banks! Give me back that card right now!

Great, thanks.



It kept telling me I was putting in the wrong PIN, even though I checked it.

The stupid machine told me I entered the wrong PIN.

Your bloody machine is broken. It told me my PIN was wrong and I checked it every time.

Of course I'm sure! I've got it written down!

Are you deaf? I entered the correct PIN three times.

It belongs to my mum. I have to take money out for her because she's not well can't come and get it herself.

My mum's not well, and can't come down here, so I get money for her.

My mum's not well, and can't come down here, so I have to get money for her. And you don't make it easy for her, do you?

No I didn't! I was really careful.

I'm not an idiot! I entered the correct PIN three times.

That's right. The person whose card it is wrote her number down for me and I checked it each time.

Yes! The person whose card it is wrote her PIN down for me and I checked it each time.

That's what I keep saying! The person whose card it is wrote her PIN down for me and I checked it each time.

Why don't you tell me what you need, then?

This is ridiculous.

Why are you so bloody incompetent?

Yeah, I was trying to say - it's not actually my card.

Weren't you listening? It's not my card!

Thank you. You: (...) Yep, I found the card. Frank: Finally, we're getting somewhere!

Sandra Torka

She's in the early stages of Alzheimers and is living in a home. It's just been these past few weeks that she's not been able to do these things for herself, which is why I'm down here.

Come to think of it, that might be why the PIN was wrong.

She has Alzheimer's, which is why I'm down here.

It's gotten worse these past few weeks and she can't really leave the home right now.

Yeah. I'm listed as having power of attorney.

I have power of attorney. It's right there in your files.

What is with you people?. It's right there in your files.

Fine. Sorry.

Okay, okay.

Thank you. She's used to being independent so it's been tough for her.



Thank you. She just got worse recently, and it's been heavy going.


Yeah, it's pretty rough. So I'd appreciate it if you could just do your job and help me out.

Thanks. That'd be really helpful.


This is really frustrating. She needs the money now.

Why are you being so unhelpful?

What is wrong with you people? She's an elderly woman. She's not well and now you won't even give her access to her own money.



Well, go on then.



Why do you need to know that?

I don't think that's any of your business

None of your bloody business.

$200 would be great.

She needs $200.

But I'm authorised. This is nuts.

Are you serious? Why not, for Pete's sake?

That's ridiculous. There has to be something you can do.

I've had it with you people. You've been obstructive and unhelpful.

Thank you. I really appreciate it.

That'll have to do.

End the conversation

You have elected to end the conversation.

However, aspects of Frank's problem may still be unresolved.

If you feel you have completely resolved Frank's problem, or you feel that the situation cannot be de-escalated, press ‘Confirm'.

If you want to return to the conversation, press the ‘x' in the top right corner.

Simulation resolved

Congratulations. You have successfully resolved the simulation.

In other words, you successfully de-escalated the situation with Frank AND you left nothing outstanding. Frank left your workspace feeling .

Simulation partially resolved

In other words, you successfully de-escalated the situation with Frank but left one his issues unresolved OR you resolved both of Frank's issues without de-escalating the situation.

Frank left your workspace feeling .

Simulation unresolved

You have ended your conversation with Frank.

Frank feels that his issue is still unresolved. At the end of the interaction, he was feeling .

Simulation unresolved

You have reached the end of your interaction with Frank.

Unfortunately, Frank's aggression escalated to the point that he ended the conversation early, storming out of the bank.

Please review the following feedback to see how your decisions led to this result. If you'd like to try again with a different scenario, click ‘Try again'.

Click ‘Next' to get some detailed feedback on how your interaction went.

Detailed feedback

Please review the following feedback, and see how closely you followed the LEARN acronym.

When you have finished, click ‘Try again' for a different interaction with Frank, or click ‘Next' to proceed.

You took the following opportunities to demonstrate that you were listening to Frank and cared about his situation:

But you also made some poor choices:

  • Told Frank that you couldn't help him
  • Told Frank that you assumed the fault was with him
  • Jumped into a solution without listening to all the facts

You asked questions that gave you the following key pieces of information:

  • Frank's identity
  • Frank's mother's identity
  • Frank's mother's circumstances
  • Frank's Power of Attorney

But had yet to establish the following:

  • Frank's identity
  • Frank's mother's identity
  • Frank's mother's circumstances
  • Frank's Power of Attorney

You resolved the following issues for Frank:

  • Frank's need to be a signatory on his mother's account
  • Frank's mother's need for some money in the interim
  • The location of Frank's mum's card

You left the following issues outstanding:

  • Frank's need to be a signatory on his mother's account
  • Frank's mother's need for some money in the interim
  • The location of Frank's mum's card

There was nothing outstanding

Try again Next