

What’s the role of SharePoint ECM?

Streamlining ASIC’s information, knowledge and records management processes

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Integrated information, knowledge and records management

When you work with information, not only do you need to ensure that you can find the files you require, you also need to adhere to our Digital Transition & Enterprise Content Management Policy.

diagram showing two circles intersecting

First circle

Information and knowledge management principles: Productivity, Version control, Sharing, Collaborating

Second circle

Records management principles: Classify, Retain, Protect, Secure

SharePoint ECM contains both sets of principles by integrating records management principles with information and knowledge management principles.

Fill in the form...

SharePoint ECM helps you to ensure files are saved so they are easy to find and stored according to the Digital Transition & Enterprise Content Management Policylink opens in new window using ‘metadata’.

When you create or add a document, you’ll be prompted to fill in fields in a form. SharePoint ECM uses this information to classify and store your documents to make it easier for you to view and find them later.

Records management: know your responsibilities.
multiple documents overlaid on top of each other with the words Classify, Retain, Protect, Secure around them in a circular process flow diagram

Make sure you know your responsibilities.

Your records management responsibilities

As well as contributing to our capacity as a knowledge organisation, we all have an obligation to create and maintain authentic, reliable and usable records to:

  • meet Government and community expectations
  • comply with our legal, regulatory and governance requirements and to manage risk, and
  • provide accountability for our decisions and actions.

All staff must comply with their records management responsibilities.

Select the button below for more information on records management at ASIC.

Records management on the intranet link opens in new window

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